Heart of Dixie Electrophysiology Mesquite offers a variety of services that diagnose and treat heart rhythm disorders. These services include testing the heart’s electrical activity, ablation surgery, pacemaker implantation, ICD-defibrillator implantation, and biventricular pacemaker implantation. At Revere Health’s Heart of Dixie Mesquite Medical Office, we make electrophysiology easy and convenient so that your heart can stay strong and healthy.
A specialty branch of physiology concerned with the study, diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders.
A procedure used to scar or destroy a small area of tissue in the heart that is causing abnormal rhythm.
A generator is placed on the left side of the chest, attached to a wire guided through a blood vessel to the heart.
This is a pager-sized device placed into the heart ventricles to help your heart keep beating effectively.
The lead tip of this specialized pacemaker is implanted and attached to the heart, helping heart failure patients.