Schedule a Telehealth appointment

Call your clinic to schedule a Telehealth appointment with your provider, and our staff will help you determine whether or not a virtual visit is suitable for your medical concerns and if your provider offers virtual appointments.

If Telehealth is appropriate for you, we’ll schedule your appointment over the phone and email or text you a virtual room link that will enable you to video chat with your provider.

revere visit

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of digital communication technologies, like apps, smartphones and computers, to receive medical care. At Revere Health, we offer virtual appointments to help you receive the care you need from the comfort of your home.

Telehealth is not appropriate for every medical concern, so it’s important to ask whether a virtual appointment is appropriate for your needs. When you schedule a Telehealth visit, your provider can give you more detailed instructions for accessing the virtual waiting room.

revere visit

Types of concerns that can be addressed through Telemedicine:

  • Annual wellness visits

    Annual wellness visits

  • Allergies


  • Asthma & Bronchitis

    Asthma & Bronchitis

  • Pharyngitis


  • Sinusitis


  • Cold & Flu symptoms

    Cold & Flu symptoms

  • Eye infections

    Eye infections

    Including conjunctivitis

  • Urinary concerns

    Urinary concerns

    Including painful urination, urinary tract infections, and bladder infections

  • Minor skin problems

    Minor skin problems

    Including rashes, insect bites, and cellulitis

  • Sprains & strains

    Sprains & strains

  • Minor sports injuries

    Minor sports injuries

  • Diarrhea and vomiting

    Diarrhea and vomiting

  • Arthritic pains

    Arthritic pains

How to access Telehealth on your device


Schedule an Appointment

Call your clinic location to schedule a Telehealth appointment with your provider. If Telehealth is appropriate for you, we’ll schedule your appointment over the phone and email or text you a virtual room link that will enable you to video chat with your provider. The link will look something like this:


Click on Appointment Link

When it’s time for your appointment, click the link you received when you scheduled your virtual visit. Be sure to use a computer or device with a camera/microphone. If you are unable to find the link, contact your provider’s office to have it resent to you.



Type in your name and click “check in.” This will allow you to enter the virtual waiting room, and your Provider will connect with you shortly.

Telehealth Login Screen

We work hard to ensure that the website for Telehealth visits is secure, complies with HIPAA, and doesn’t require registration or software download.


Enable Webcam and Microphone

Allow your browser to use your webcam and microphone.

Telehealth Login Screen

Visit with your Provider

Your care provider will start your visit once you’re checked in and in the waiting room.

If you are having trouble checking into your provider’s room, contact