What are the Risks of Uncontrolled Medical Conditions During Plastic Surgery?
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Value-Based Care
June 30, 2016 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Shaving and waxing are still popular methods of hair removal, as are depilatory creams, but for those who want a more permanent solution, laser hair removal could be the right choice. This procedure is done by beaming light into hair follicles in a very concentrated way. The pigment that is located within those follicles absorbs that light and destroys the hair. While laser hair removal is designed to be permanent, some people need periodic maintenance treatments and never experience complete hair loss.
There are several different methods of laser hair removal. These include the Ruby Laser, the Alexandrite Laser, the Diode Laser, the Yag Laser and the Ultimate Light or Pulsed Light laser. The laser that will be used on you will depend on the person you work with for your laser hair removal, along with the thickness and coarseness of your hair and where on your body it’s located. Since different lasers provide different results, it’s important to use the right one for the right job.
If you’re considering laser hair removal, you need to be prepared for the treatment time and the costs. The American Association of Plastic Surgeons states that the average, expected price for laser hair removal in 2014 was $289.00. Of course, that can vary widely depending on what you are having done, how large the treatment area is and other factors. Where in the country you live and how many treatment sessions you need also matter, and have to be considered when determining a price for your own laser hair removal treatment.
According to WebMD, the majority of people who have laser hair removal will see complete hair loss and a lack of regrowth after three to seven sessions. This can occur faster or take longer, depending on the person, the location of the hair that is being treated, the type of laser that is used and the skill of the person performing the hair removal. The length of the individual procedures also varies. Treating the upper lip can take just a few minutes, while treating the back of a thigh can take an hour or longer.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are some side effects to laser hair removal. Most of them aren’t significant, and don’t last for a long time. These can include skin irritation and changes to pigment. Your skin may look lighter or darker overall, but that will generally fade over time. In rare cases, you can also see blistering, scarring, crusting or changes in the texture of your skin. Treated hair can turn gray, and some people have experienced excessive hair growth in or around the area that was treated.
Having hair can be a benefit because it can provide warmth, and some people like the way it looks. Many people opt for laser hair removal, though, because they want to have sleek, smooth skin and a great look. By not having hair, you will no longer have to worry about the time or discomfort that comes along with shaving or waxing, and you won’t have the irritation that can be caused by depilatory creams. Laser hair removal can be an excellent choice for many different people and lifestyles.
The Live Better Team
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.