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November 18, 2024 | Internal Medicine • Patient Testimonials
As Teri Bold contemplated and ultimately made her move from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to St. George, Utah, it wasn’t the change in climate or culture that was weighing most on her mind – it was healthcare.
Pittsburgh has some of the top healthcare networks and institutions in the country, including the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, so Teri was “leery” about finding the same level of care in a city with 1/3 the population.
After not having a good experience with the first doctor she saw, it looked as if her fears were confirmed – she was even considering a move back to Pittsburgh. That all changed when she met Dr. Richard Bennett of Revere Health Internal Medicine.
She decided to give Dr. Bennett a try after hearing positive things from her husband, Luke, who had already been seeing him. She described her experience with Dr. Bennett and Revere Health as a “total game changer.”
Everything changed when I met Dr. Bennett,” she said. “He is so efficient, caring, and incredibly competent that it opened my eyes to a whole new level of excellence.
One of her most notable experiences came when she became very sick for no apparent reason and had a high fever that would not break. She thought she had the flu, but after a same-day appointment with Dr. Bennett and a battery of tests, it turned out to be a UTI – the first one of her life.
The same night after seeing him I started to have answers,” she said. “I was blown away I could get seen and treated so quickly. The same thing would have taken me days in Pittsburgh.
She was particularly impressed by the efficiency of the FollowMyHealth app, which allowed her to stay in contact with her care team and get test results quickly.
There are not days of lagging for anything. When I message Dr. Bennett, he gets right back to me. He’s always comprehensive in his evaluation, and I feel confident he’s going to take good care of me.
Her experience with Revere Health has been so positive that she is recommending the clinic to her parents, who live in Florida and require robust healthcare due to their age.
After experiencing Revere Health, I would not hesitate for a second to move my parents here,” she said.
As a former Senior VP of a Fortune 500 company with a husband who spent 34 years as an ENT, Teri knows a good healthcare operation when she sees it.
“The patient care I’ve received since choosing Dr. Bennett is light-years ahead of anything I’ve ever experienced before. I just cannot say enough about his practice and the whole Revere Health Facility in St. George.”
The Live Better Team
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.