What is Walking Pneumonia and Why are Cases Rising?
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July 21, 2017 | Adult and Adolescent Medicine • Family Medicine • OB/GYN • Women and Children's Center
Specialties:Family Medicine • OB/GYN
During pregnancy and leading up to delivery, it’s natural and expected for mothers to gain weight as they provide nutrients for the growing baby. When the baby is delivered, however, it becomes time to lose that weight.
In most cases, if you were a normal weight and gained the general recommended average of between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy, it shouldn’t take longer than a couple months to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. If you were overweight beforehand or put on too much weight, however, it could take longer. Be patient here, and know that with the right tactics and gradual approaches, you can shed that weight in a healthy way. Here are a few big areas to emphasize as you look to drop pounds.
There are several areas to emphasize when it comes to your food consumption, but one tip that may surprise some mothers: Don’t diet. Dieting can actually cause weight gain in some situations post-pregnancy, and some experts recommend simply keeping a good balance of healthy foods. Foods and habits to emphasize include:
Research is still unclear on whether breastfeeding actively helps with weight loss—some has found that exclusively breastfeeding can increase speed of weight loss, but other research finds no difference between this and bottle feeding. One thing no one is questioning, however, is how good breastfeeding is for the baby. In addition, nursing exclusively lets you add an extra 300 calories to your diet.
A few tips when it comes to exercise:
Getting sleep can be tougher with a newborn, but there are tactics you can try. Nap whenever you can during the day, and try to figure out your baby’s sleep schedule so you can sleep at the same times. Go to bed early until your baby starts sleeping through the night. A study showed that mothers who sleep five hours or less per night were more likely to hold onto extra pregnancy weight than moms who slept over seven hours.
Most importantly through all of this, be willing to ask for help from your doctor, who can assist with strategies and an approach to help you lose weight safely and comfortably.
“8 Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy.” WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/baby/features/8-tips-for-losing-weight-after-pregnancy#1
“Losing baby weight.” March of Dimes. http://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/losing-baby-weight.aspx
The Live Better Team
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.