Authored by Revere Health

Which Type of Workout is Best for Me?

December 14, 2017 | Wellness Institute

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If you’re looking to start a new exercise program, a variety of factors might get in the way. Maybe you hate going to the gym, or maybe you’re busy and can’t find the time to work out.

Fortunately, exercise doesn’t have to be rigid—it’s all about finding exercises that suit your personal traits, including your schedule and your comfort zones. Let’s look at some suggestions for getting proper fitness.

For People Who Hate the Gym

You can exercise anywhere, not just at the gym. Consider exercises like walking, biking or hiking, or try an outdoor exercise routine at a park or in your backyard. Exercises that you can do virtually anywhere include pushups, squats, squat jumps, crunches, and planks.

In addition, consider outdoor group classes, which can be found all over the country at parks and other public areas. You can also consider recreational sports leagues.

For Those Who Are Out of Shape

If you’re starting an exercise program from a place where you’re out of shape, it’s important to start slowly. A few suggestions include:

  • Look for activities you can enjoy that will make you more active on a daily basis.
  • Consider “exergames” like Wii Fit and others with low-intensity exercise that can help you build up stamina.
  • Look for simple ways to move during the day.
  • Wear a pedometer and make it a goal to increase your steps taken every day.
  • Start with basic 10-minute walks, then gradually increase over time. Before you know it, you’ll be finding exercise easier and increase your program

For Social Exercisers

Group activities are great for getting in shape, especially for social butterflies. Dancing classes like Zumba are growing more and more popular, and many similar clubs or classes exist. These classes attract people with similar interests and goals, which can help you enjoy exercise and be more motivated.

For Beginners

Some people need help with basic pointers for exercise, and a personal trainer might be right for you here. A few benefits of personal trainers include:

  • They have the experience, education and certification to offer advice on your body and exercise program.
  • They help tailor your workouts to your individual needs.
  • They regularly work with healthcare professionals to create special programs for people who need them, such as pregnant women, the elderly, or physically challenged people.
  • They can be found in both one-on-one and group settings.

For Those In Need of Tough Motivation

Everyone is motivated differently, and some of us respond to tougher forms of motivation like being yelled at. If this is the case for you, a boot camp might be a good option—this is a program designed after basic training for armed services, and these classes are becoming more and more popular.

You can find relatively tame boot camps all the way up to programs that are pretty intense. All of them, however, offer training and direction in a group setting that is very big on motivation. You’ll also have peer pressure and competition motivating you to push yourself.

For Those With Limited Time

Some tips for fitting workouts into limited time schedules:

  • Do workouts at work: Consider working out at your desk with exercises like dips on your chair, pushups on the floor or bicep curls using resistance bands.
  • If you can make it to the gym, consider a circuit training routine that moves you from machine to machine without rest. You can also consider doubling up on moves while adding short cardio boosts in between.
  • Try combination moves, such as a squat and a bicep curl in the same exercise. This can get you a greater amount of exercise in a shorter period of time.

On a Tight Budget?

Not everyone needs a gym membership to exercise, and you can do this at home if you have the right tools and motivation. Consider simple exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, and others, and consider a few basic pieces of equipment in your homes like dumbbells, resistance bands or a stability ball. Also consider local recreation centers, which offer generally inexpensive fitness options that are usually far more affordable than private clubs.

If You Need a Challenge or are Easily Bored

If you’re looking for a challenge, take your current exercise to a new level. Set a bigger goal for yourself, then break it down into smaller and more realistic goals.

If you get bored with your exercise regularly, varying your routine is the best way to go. Try to cross-train as often as possible and change up your primary activity every six to eight weeks. Make sure to choose activities that are fun for you, and consider doing them with people you enjoy.

Your doctor can offer additional recommendations for staying active and healthy even if you have certain factors making this more difficult.




“Find the Best Workout for You.” WebMD.

“How to Choose the Right Workout for You.” Fitness Magazine.



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This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.