Kanab Family Medicine
Kanab Family Medicine is devoted to comprehensive healthcare for patients of all ages. Our team specializes in stress testing, biopsies, allergy shots, colonoscopies, and Medicare exams. In addition, each month our Kanab clinic is visited by specialty physicians who specialize in orthopedics, audiology, podiatry, nephrology, and more. We value our patients’ ability to participate in their own healthcare decisions, and we work to provide all patients with high-quality services, education, clear communication, and coordinated care.

Information Cards
Phone: (435) 644-4100
Fax: (435) 644-3366Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.See patient education
resources below ↓
Well-Child Checks
A well-child check assesses the health of young children and provides parents with basic healthcare information they need.
Basic vaccinations include HepA, HepB, RV, DTaP, Hib, IPV, MMR, Varicella and Influenza. Ask about additional vaccines.
COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster
We offer the Moderna Vaccine and Booster. For more information please see our COVID-19 Updates.
Our providers are equipped to offer sports physicals and routine physical exams to check up on patients’ physical health.
Medicare Wellness Visits
Medicare covers a yearly appointment to discuss a prevention plan based on your needs with your healthcare provider.
Gynecological Exams
A manual exam of a woman’s pelvis to check for any abnormalities or infections. This routine exam may also include cancer screening.
OB Care
The care and treatment of women during childbirth and the period both before and after the baby is delivered.
Newborn Circumcisions
Circumcision, often performed shortly after birth, is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis.
Birth Control
Contraception through the use of implants, patches, injections, oral medications, IUDs, cervical caps, vaginal rings, etc.
Contraception Implants
A flexible plastic rod that is placed under the skin of the upper arm, releasing a steady dose of a progestational hormone.
This procedure involves the surgical sealing of the vas deferens tubes, typically performed for means of sterilization.
Wart Removal
Removal of small, hard growths in the skin. Often warts are removed by freezing them or applying chemicals.
Fracture Care
We work to promote bone healing and restore bone function as soon as possible for fracture patients.
Small amounts of tissue are removed from the body to examine the presence, cause or extent of a disease.
Surgical sutures are used to rejoin body tissues after an injury or surgery. Call our office for more information.
Suture Care
Proper care and removal of sutures or stitches that are used to close and repair a traumatic wound or cut.
Wound Care
Cosmetic care for wounds such as abrasions, rupture injuries, lacerations, punctures and penetrating wounds.
Allergy Shots
Long-term immunotherapy treatment given by injection that often decreases some varieties of allergy symptoms.
Depression/Anxiety Management
These similar disorders often lead to symptoms such as nervousness, irritability and problems concentrating or sleeping.
A quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body, particularly your bones.
CT Scan
A CT scan uses X-rays taken from different angles to create detailed images of structures inside the body.
Stress Testing (Cardiac)
A stress response is induced by exercise or drug stimulation to measure how the heart responds in a controlled environment.
Also called upper endoscopy, an EGD is an interior examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
Examination of the colon for signs of abnormality using a rectally inserted fiber optic tool. Recommended for ages 50+
Several lab services are available including clinical lab testing, urinalysis and specimen collection.
Minor Allergic Reactions or Rashes
Treatment of non-life-threatening, minor allergic reactions including nasal congestion, itching and hives.

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