Price Adult and Adolescent Medicine

We provide personalized medical care for young adults, adults, and patients in their golden years in Price and the surrounding areas. Our primary care providers use their extensive training, coupled with modern techniques, to best treat our patients and their families. We strive to provide our patients with the care they need and establish clear lines of communication to keep them educated and empowered in their own healthcare decisions. We also serve the healthcare needs of patients throughout Carbon, Emery, and Grand counties. Call or visit us today to set up an appointment.

woman wearing a mask looking out a window

Information Cards

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    • Icon of Colonoscopy


      Examination of the colon for signs of abnormality using a rectally inserted fiber optic tool. Recommended for ages 50+

    • Icon of Physicals


      Our providers are equipped to offer sports physicals and routine physical exams to check up on patients’ physical health.

    • Icon of Asthma


      Trouble breathing or chest tightness due to constricted airways and excess mucus. Often induced by exercise or allergies.

    • Icon of Type 1 Diabetes

      Type 1 Diabetes

      A chronic condition in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to allow glucose to enter cells and produce energy.

    • Icon of Cholesterol


      A complete cholesterol test measures the amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodstream.

    • Icon of Hypertension


      A condition occurring when the force of blood against artery walls is too high; often a precursor for other health problems.

    • Icon of Osteoporosis


      Fragile or brittle bones due to loss of tissue, generally resulting from calcium or vitamin-D deficiency, or hormonal change.

    • Icon of Pulmonary Conditions

      Pulmonary Conditions

      Conditions of the respiratory system, characterized by chronic coughing, chest pain and difficulty breathing.

    • Icon of Acute Care

      Acute Care

      Short-term treatment for a severe injury, illness, medical condition or recovery from surgery.

    • Icon of Type 2 Diabetes

      Type 2 Diabetes

      A chronic condition in which the body resists needed amount of insulin or doesn’t produce enough to keep normal glucose levels.

    • Icon of Thyroid Conditions

      Thyroid Conditions

      Conditions that affect the thyroid gland, which regulates numerous metabolic processes throughout the body.

    • Icon of Cardiac Conditions

      Cardiac Conditions

      Conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels and can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.

    • Icon of Lesion Removal and Minor Surgical Procedures

      Lesion Removal and Minor Surgical Procedures

      Removal of abnormal skin growths and other minor procedures that don’t require sedation.

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    Leaders of value-based care in Utah

    More about value-based care

    Traditionally, the healthcare industry has operated under a fee-for-service model where providers are paid based on the number of procedures they perform or patients they see. In a value-based care model, providers are paid by their ability to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and increase patient satisfaction. Revere Health recognizes that healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate, and that's why we've made the shift to value-based care. We believe we have a responsibility as healthcare providers to lower the cost of care without sacrificing quality. Learn More about Value Based Care.
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    Price Adult and Adolescent Medicine

    a doctor explaining something to a patient

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