Provo Urology

At Revere Health Provo Urology, we specialize in the treatment of urologic cancers, BPH, incontinence, vasectomies, laser surgery, and pediatric and adult urinary problems. Our urologists in Provo and their staff take the time to both educate and treat each patient with the latest technology and techniques. We revere our patients’ ability to make their own healthcare decisions and will work to provide patients with the best treatment options available for their specific needs. Call or visit our Provo office to schedule a consultation.

Provo Main Campus

Information Cards


  • Icon of Urodynamics Lab

    Urodynamics Lab

    A study assessing how well the bladder and urethra are performing their functions of storing and releasing urine.

  • Icon of Sacral Nerve Stimulator

    Sacral Nerve Stimulator

    A type of electrostimulation therapy that delivers low-amplitude electrical stimulation to the sacral nerve.

  • Icon of Da Vinci Robot Assisted Surgery

    Da Vinci Robot Assisted Surgery

    Surgeons operate with better precision through this robotic technology, including tiny instruments and enhanced vision.

  • Icon of Men’s Health

    Men’s Health

    Diagnosis and treatments of men’s reproductive health including prostate exams, testicular exams, physicals, etc.


  • Icon of Peyronie’s Disease

    Peyronie’s Disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of a noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections.

  • Icon of BPH Treatment

    BPH Treatment

    Minimally invasive Rezum and Urolift treatments for BPH.

  • Icon of Kidney Stones

    Kidney Stones

    Small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys. They can often be extremely painful to pass through the bladder and ureter.

  • Icon of Vasectomies


    This procedure involves the surgical sealing of the vas deferens tubes, typically performed for means of sterilization.

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Leaders of value-based care in Utah

More about value-based care

Traditionally, the healthcare industry has operated under a fee-for-service model where providers are paid based on the number of procedures they perform or patients they see. In a value-based care model, providers are paid by their ability to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and increase patient satisfaction. Revere Health recognizes that healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate, and that's why we've made the shift to value-based care. We believe we have a responsibility as healthcare providers to lower the cost of care without sacrificing quality. Learn More about Value Based Care.
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