Lehi Dry Creek Family Medicine
The primary care providers at Revere Health’s Dry Creek Lehi office are devoted to comprehensive healthcare for patients of all ages. Our team specializes in weight control, lump removal, pulmonary conditions, osteoporosis, and women’s health. Our team works together to provide our patients and their families with the highest quality care possible. We revere our patients’ ability to participate in their own healthcare decisions, and we work to educate patients through clear communication and unmatched, coordinated care. Visit or call our Lehi office to schedule an appointment.

Phone: (801) 766-4214
Fax: (801) 407-3052Monday - Thursday:
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.See patient education
resources below ↓
Well-Child Checks
A well-child check assesses the health of young children and provides parents with basic healthcare information they need.
Our providers are equipped to offer sports physicals and routine physical exams to check up on patients’ physical health.
Medicare Wellness Visits
Medicare covers a yearly appointment to discuss a prevention plan based on your needs with your healthcare provider.
Women’s Health
We offer women’s health services before and after childbirth, including postnatal care and healthcare counseling.
Gynecological Exams
A manual exam of a woman’s pelvis to check for any abnormalities or infections. This routine exam may also include cancer screening.
Basic vaccinations include HepA, HepB, RV, DTaP, Hib, IPV, MMR, Varicella and Influenza. Ask about additional vaccines.
Preventive Care/Maintenance
Medical care that seeks to prevent illnesses, e.g., yearly mammograms, cancer screenings and regular checkups.
A complete cholesterol test measures the amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodstream.
A condition occurring when the force of blood against artery walls is too high; often a precursor for other health problems.
Fragile or brittle bones due to loss of tissue, generally resulting from calcium or vitamin-D deficiency, or hormonal change.
Cardiac Conditions
Conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels and can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.
Thyroid Conditions
Conditions that affect the thyroid gland, which regulates numerous metabolic processes throughout the body.
Pulmonary Conditions
Conditions of the respiratory system, characterized by chronic coughing, chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Trouble breathing or chest tightness due to constricted airways and excess mucus. Often induced by exercise or allergies.
Wart Removal
Removal of small, hard growths in the skin. Often warts are removed by freezing them or applying chemicals.
Mole and Skin Biopsies
A small piece of the skin is removed in order to fully examine and diagnose various skin conditions and cancers.
Ingrown Toenail Removal
Procedure that either lifts or removes the part of the nail that is growing in the soft flesh of the toe.
Broken Bones
A broken bone or fracture can occur if excessive force is applied to your bone, causing it to break or shatter.
A quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body, particularly your bones.
Several lab services are available including clinical lab testing, urinalysis and specimen collection.
Minor Allergic Reactions or Rashes
Treatment of non-life-threatening, minor allergic reactions including nasal congestion, itching and hives.
Surgical sutures are used to rejoin body tissues after an injury or surgery. Call our office for more information.
Suture Care
Proper care and removal of sutures or stitches that are used to close and repair a traumatic wound or cut.
Skin Care
Our providers treat conditions of the skin including acne and eczema and help patients maintain proper skin care habits.
Acne Diagnosis and Treatment, Including Accutane
Our specialists diagnose acne conditions and recommend topical and pharmaceutical treatment for various types of acne.
Diet and Weight Control
Teaching healthy lifestyle skills to help manage sustained weight reduction through diet, exercise and medication.
Male and Female Hormone Replacement
Treating both women and men whose bodies no longer manufacture crucial chemical messengers in the needed amount.
A drug injected into the skin to reduce wrinkle appearance, treat muscle stiffness/spasm and prevent headaches.

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