Women and Children's Center

Abby Gunther, CNM

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4.6 out of 5. (See testimonials)

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Abby Gunther, CNM

Here's what Dr. Gunther's patients think


1 Reviews

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I have never had a more gentle, respectful, and supportive health care professional.

I have never had a more gentle, respectful, and supportive health care professional. Abby started her practice at revere health OBGYN late in my pregnancy, but the first time I met with her, I knew that I wanted her to deliver my baby. Anything that I asked for in labor she made happen. I felt the closest to being home that I could in a hospital. This recovery was my easiest of the three and I believe that in part it is due to her excellent care. I would recommend her to anyone!

Codee P.

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