Orem Family Medicine
Revere Health’s Orem Family Medicine clinic is devoted to comprehensive healthcare for patients of all ages. Our providers and staff specialize in pediatric and adult care, pregnancy care, women’s health, mole and lump removal, and asthma management. Our commitment is to provide thorough and timely healthcare for the entire family. We revere our patients’ health above all else and will work with them to develop a health care plan that best suits their needs.

Phone: (801) 802-7373
Fax: (801) 802-7733Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.See patient education
resources below ↓
Pediatric, Adolescent and Adult Care
Our family medicine providers are trained to provide general healthcare to all the members of a family.
Depression/Anxiety Management
These similar disorders often lead to symptoms such as nervousness, irritability and problems concentrating or sleeping.
Sport, School, Scout and Missionary Exams
General physical examinations required for participation in sports, school, scouts or missionary service.
Our providers are equipped to offer sports physicals and routine physical exams to check up on patients’ physical health.
Diabetes Education and Management
Education for diabetes patients that will help them manage diabetes at home and develop healthy lifestyle habits.
Trouble breathing or chest tightness due to constricted airways and excess mucus. Often induced by exercise or allergies.
A condition occurring when the force of blood against artery walls is too high; often a precursor for other health problems.
Pregnancy Care
Our providers offer care throughout pregnancy and delivery, from fertility counseling and ultrasounds to regular check-ups.
Our providers help patients through labor and delivery, including cesarean sections, high risk patients and epidurals.
Baby/Newborn Care
Our providers are equipped to care for newborn infants, especially ill-born or premature infants.
Birth Control
Contraception through the use of implants, patches, injections, oral medications, IUDs, cervical caps, vaginal rings, etc.
Thyroid Conditions
Conditions that affect the thyroid gland, which regulates numerous metabolic processes throughout the body.
Acute Care
Short-term treatment for a severe injury, illness, medical condition or recovery from surgery.
Urinary Tract Infections
Care for painful infections found in the urinary system including the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
Mole Evaluation and Removal
Our specialists evaluate moles for signs of cancer and are trained to remove and test potentially cancerous moles.
Suture Care
Proper care and removal of sutures or stitches that are used to close and repair a traumatic wound or cut.
Well-Child Checks
A well-child check assesses the health of young children and provides parents with basic healthcare information they need.
Basic vaccinations include HepA, HepB, RV, DTaP, Hib, IPV, MMR, Varicella and Influenza. Ask about additional vaccines.
This procedure involves the surgical sealing of the vas deferens tubes, typically performed for means of sterilization.
Artificial Insemination and Infertility
Insertion of a catheter into the uterus to directly deposit a sperm sample. Other infertility options are also available.
Genetic Testing
We partner with IDGenetix to identify a patient’s sensitivity to certain medications using DNA samples.
Menopause Treatment
Many treatment options for menopause symptoms are available, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
A chronic condition that often begins in childhood, usually indicated by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

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