
We've Moved!

Lehi OB/GYN is now located in Saratoga Springs! Our new address is…

1022 N Redwood Rd Suite 101,
Saratoga Springs, UT 84045

Same hours, same providers, and as always your health above all else.

Saratoga Springs OBGYN

At Revere Health Saratoga Springs OB/GYN, our obstetrician/gynecologists, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse-midwives provide exceptional care for women of all ages and throughout all stages of life. Our physicians and providers have been serving Utah County for more than 20 years, specializing in OB/GYN services, primary care, well-woman exams, prenatal care, pregnancy care, and more. We accept most insurance plans and also proudly accept Medicaid and Medicare. Call our Pregnancy Hotline for FAQs at (801) 822-2229.

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Our obstetricians/gynecologists, nurse practitioners & certified nurse midwives provide care for women in all stages of life.


  • OB Care

    OB Care

    The care and treatment of women during childbirth and the period both before and after the baby is delivered.

  • Pregnancy Care

    Pregnancy Care

    Our providers offer care throughout pregnancy and delivery, from fertility counseling and ultrasounds to regular check-ups.

  • High-Risk Pregnancy

    High-Risk Pregnancy

    A pregnancy is categorized as high risk if a woman or her baby is at an increased risk of health problems or death.

  • Prenatal Care

    Prenatal Care

    Regular check-ups during pregnancy to ensure the health of the mother and child, and promote healthy lifestyles.

  • Delivery


    Our providers help patients through labor and delivery, including cesarean sections, high risk patients and epidurals.

  • Baby/Newborn Care

    Baby/Newborn Care

    Our providers are equipped to care for newborn infants, especially ill-born or premature infants.

  • Postpartum Care

    Postpartum Care

    Care for the six-week period following childbirth to help the body heal and adjust, and ensure the health of the baby.

  • C-Sections


    Procedure used to deliver a baby through six-inch surgical incisions in the mother’s uterus and lower abdomen.

  • Women’s Health

    Women’s Health

    We offer women’s health services before and after childbirth, including postnatal care and healthcare counseling.

  • Birth Control

    Birth Control

    Contraception through the use of implants, patches, injections, oral medications, IUDs, cervical caps, vaginal rings, etc.

  • Newborn Circumcisions

    Newborn Circumcisions

    Circumcision, often performed shortly after birth, is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis.

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Leaders of value-based care in Utah

More about value-based care

Traditionally, the healthcare industry has operated under a fee-for-service model where providers are paid based on the number of procedures they perform or patients they see. In a value-based care model, providers are paid by their ability to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and increase patient satisfaction. Revere Health recognizes that healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate, and that's why we've made the shift to value-based care. We believe we have a responsibility as healthcare providers to lower the cost of care without sacrificing quality. Learn more.

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Saratoga Springs OBGYN

Revere Health Saratoga Springs Obstetrics and Gynecology office

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