St. George Family Medicine – Clinic

Revere Health’s St. George Family Medicine – Clinic focuses on total healthcare for the entire family. Our professional staff provides our patients and their families with the best possible healthcare in a comfortable, friendly environment. We offer a full range of services, and our providers specialize in broken bones, X-rays, immunizations, hormone management, COPD, allergy treatment, and C-sections. We are also pleased to offer lab services in our CLIA-inspected and OSHA-approved laboratory to provide patients with timely and accurate information.

St. George Family Medicine - Clinic

Information Cards


  • Icon of COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster

    COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster

    We offer the Moderna Vaccine and Booster. For more information please see our COVID-19 Updates.

  • Icon of OB Care

    OB Care

    The care and treatment of women during childbirth and the period both before and after the baby is delivered.

  • Icon of Well-Child Checks

    Well-Child Checks

    A well-child check assesses the health of young children and provides parents with basic healthcare information they need.

  • Icon of Geriatric Care

    Geriatric Care

    Comprehensive, high-quality, and coordinated care for adults 65 years and older. Provides long-term care needs, improves their quality of life, and maintains their independence for as long as possible.

  • Icon of Flu/Cold/Strep Symptoms

    Flu/Cold/Strep Symptoms

    Symptoms may include fever, chills, muscle aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, headaches, fatigue and sore throat.

  • Icon of Ear or Sinus Pain

    Ear or Sinus Pain

    Sinus and ear pain are often simultaneous and may be caused by sinus infections, the common cold or allergies.

  • Icon of Minor Allergic Reactions or Rashes

    Minor Allergic Reactions or Rashes

    Treatment of non-life-threatening, minor allergic reactions including nasal congestion, itching and hives.

  • Icon of Immunizations


    Basic vaccinations include HepA, HepB, RV, DTaP, Hib, IPV, MMR, Varicella and Influenza. Ask about additional vaccines.

  • Icon of Sport, School, Scout and Missionary Exams

    Sport, School, Scout and Missionary Exams

    General physical examinations required for participation in sports, school, scouts or missionary service.

  • Icon of Broken Bones

    Broken Bones

    A broken bone or fracture can occur if excessive force is applied to your bone, causing it to break or shatter.

  • Icon of X-ray


    A quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body, particularly your bones.

  • Icon of Routine Pap Smears

    Routine Pap Smears

    A procedure involving the collection of cells from the cervix to test for abnormalities that may indicate cervical cancer.

  • Icon of Urinary Tract Infections

    Urinary Tract Infections

    Care for painful infections found in the urinary system including the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

  • Icon of Menopause Treatment

    Menopause Treatment

    Many treatment options for menopause symptoms are available, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

  • Icon of Hormone Management

    Hormone Management

    Hormonal treatment of disease or symptoms involving the use of medications containing estrogen and progesterone.

  • Icon of Preventive Exams

    Preventive Exams

    Routine preventive care including health and cancer screenings screenings, immunizations and contraception services.

  • Icon of Diabetes Education and Management

    Diabetes Education and Management

    Education for diabetes patients that will help them manage diabetes at home and develop healthy lifestyle habits.

  • Icon of COPD


    A lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of airflow that interferes with normal breathing.

  • Icon of Depression/Anxiety Management

    Depression/Anxiety Management

    These similar disorders often lead to symptoms such as nervousness, irritability and problems concentrating or sleeping.

  • Icon of Asthma


    Trouble breathing or chest tightness due to constricted airways and excess mucus. Often induced by exercise or allergies.

  • Icon of Hypertension


    A condition occurring when the force of blood against artery walls is too high; often a precursor for other health problems.

  • Icon of Newborn Circumcisions

    Newborn Circumcisions

    Circumcision, often performed shortly after birth, is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis.

  • Icon of Vasectomies


    This procedure involves the surgical sealing of the vas deferens tubes, typically performed for means of sterilization.

  • Icon of Eczema


    Dry, scaly, cracked, rough, flakey or otherwise irritated skin caused by a variety of allergies or irritants.

  • Icon of Skin Cancer Screening and Treatment

    Skin Cancer Screening and Treatment

    Visual inspection of your skin by a medical professional. Early detection of skin cancer improves the treatment’s success.

  • Icon of Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea

    Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea

    Although they are not diseases, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of several common conditions.

  • Icon of Stitches


    Surgical sutures are used to rejoin body tissues after an injury or surgery. Call our office for more information.

  • Icon of Work-Related Injury Care

    Work-Related Injury Care

    Care for physical injuries, illnesses or stress-related injuries that occur due to specific jobs at work.

  • Icon of Kidney Stones

    Kidney Stones

    Small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys. They can often be extremely painful to pass through the bladder and ureter.

  • Icon of Labs


    Several lab services are available including clinical lab testing, urinalysis and specimen collection.

  • Icon of CDL Hearing Tests

    CDL Hearing Tests

    A hearing test required by the Department of Transportation for those seeking a commercial driver’s license.

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Leaders of value-based care in Utah

More about value-based care

Traditionally, the healthcare industry has operated under a fee-for-service model where providers are paid based on the number of procedures they perform or patients they see. In a value-based care model, providers are paid by their ability to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and increase patient satisfaction. Revere Health recognizes that healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate, and that's why we've made the shift to value-based care. We believe we have a responsibility as healthcare providers to lower the cost of care without sacrificing quality. Learn More about Value Based Care.
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