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April 1, 2016 | Orthopedics
If you are considering undergoing any type of surgery, especially one as complex as custom knee replacement, you and your previous health professionals might have explored every non-invasive option available to you to ease your pain and help you return to a normal active lifestyle.
Since the first knee replacement surgery in 1968, according to Science Daily, “the procedure has greatly improved as have the design of implants.” As you consider undergoing this procedure, take heart in knowing that skilled surgeons perform more than 580,000 knee replacement operations each year in the United States alone. I want to help you find ways to restore mobility and flexibility to your problematic knee, or knees, to help you keep actively enjoying life through your golden years.
The truth is that with such vast improvements in surgical techniques, as well as in the replacements, you will discover many ways that a custom knee replacement could change your life. I thought I would offer you five of those ways to help you make the best decision possible about committing to a custom knee replacement surgery.
Skilled surgeons perform more than 580,000 knee replacement operations each year in the United States alone.
As a smart and conscientious patient, you want to make sure that the benefits of such a surgery will outweigh the sacrifices you need to make. Some of those sacrifices include possible weight reduction and other fitness improvement measures before surgery, as well as a firm commitment to rehabilitation and recovery during at least the year after surgery, according to Health After 50.
One of the biggest benefits that could change your life, thanks to your decision to undergo knee replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty, is gaining mobility. Health Communities states that “more than 90 percent of patients who have knee replacement surgery experience less pain and greater mobility in their knee after the procedure.” Imagine overcoming any mobility issues that you experience now to go for brisk walks and leisurely bicycle rides with ease and a full range of motion. With the right custom knee replacement, we can help you lead an upbeat and mobile lifestyle again.
Any length of time you have had to deal with knee pain has probably felt entirely too long. Again, looking at a 90 percent success rate among patients should give you hope that arthroplasty can help you move forward with comfort and ease, not having to manage knee pain, even while sitting still. With patience and attention to rehabilitation and recovery, you will start to note post-surgical recovery within four weeks and full recovery at around the one-year mark, but it can sometimes take a little longer.
Thanks to your pre-surgical health requirements, such as focusing on nutrition and gentle exercise, and your renewed mobility from your custom knee replacement, you will probably feel like a new person, ready for any adventure. If nothing else, you have probably felt so restrained by pain and discomfort that you are ready to hit the starting blocks to enjoy your healthy new knees.
The success of your arthroplasty will come from the combination of finely tuned surgical techniques and gender and patient-specific knee implant designs. With these two factors on your side, as well as going above and beyond bone replacement to explore “soft tissue personality,” you can enjoy an exciting improvement in stability and performance, beyond what you might anticipate.
With a customized knee replacement and the right follow-up care and health maintenance, you can go several years—10 to 20 years, in many cases—before you might need to consider undergoing another custom knee replacement surgery. The year’s commitment will offer you at least a decade’s worth of good knee health and the ability to enjoy life with your family and friends.
If you have additional questions or concerns about custom knee replacement surgery, and how it might change your life in all ways, contact the Revere Health orthopedic surgery team in American Fork. At Revere Health, we want to offer you the best solutions to living a high-quality life each day.
The Live Better Team
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.