What are the Risks of Uncontrolled Medical Conditions During Plastic Surgery?
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Value-Based Care
June 23, 2016 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
One of the biggest concerns many people have regarding cosmetic surgery is the recovery process. In fact, 54% of women actively considering plastic surgery list recovery issues as a reason they are hesitant about surgery. After all, the procedure may only take a couple of hours, but recovery is something you will be facing for days or weeks after the big day. While every process is different, we’ve put together a basic timeline for recovery with some of the most common cosmetic procedures. With this information, and by having questions answered by your doctor, you can be well-prepared for your procedure.
The First 24 Hours – During the first 24 hours after surgery, it will be best to have someone with you. Not only will you have someone who can help if you need anything (water, an extra pillow or someone to talk to), but if you find yourself feeling bad, you’ll have assistance getting to the doctor for follow-up care. At this time you will likely have a prescription for pain relief and may be told to ice the affected area. Follow all your doctor’s advice and relax.
The First Week – For most major cosmetic surgery procedures, the first week will involve bruising, swelling and some pain. You will want to take it easy. Most people will take this time off of work and may need some help with chores around the house. Follow all wound care guidelines to make sure your incision heals properly.
Week Two – At this point you will likely have had a follow-up visit with your doctor and may be cleared to go back to work. Make sure you get plenty of rest at night and do not neglect your wound care process—even as you start feeling better.
Three Weeks and Later –The bruising and swelling will somewhat subside. You may still have some healing left to do, but in many cases, you will feel much better and prepared to resume nearly normal activity levels. Talk to your doctor before you continue to exercise or complete any heavy-duty work.
As mentioned, the recovery time will vary from procedure to procedure, but some of the more common procedures’ recovery times are as follows:
Facelift – This process is often more visible than other procedures and many people do not feel like going out in public until they look more presentable—usually after 14 – 21 days.
Breast Augmentation – After about a week or two of rest, you should be able to begin light duty work again.
Eyelid Surgery – Usually 2 – 3 weeks is the normal time of recovery before an individual can return to work.
Liposuction – Bruising will usually subside after a week or two, and patients can return to work when they feel able to complete their duties.
As you can see, there is a lot to think about when it comes to cosmetic surgery (and the recovery process). It is important not to become overwhelmed by the information. Make an appointment for a consultation with one of our Revere Health doctors and talk to him or her about any concerns. Doing this will help you feel more confident about the process from start to finish.
The Live Better Team
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.