How Do I Know If I Have PCOS?
- Family Medicine
April 27, 2018 | OB/GYN
A neonatal intensive care unit (often abbreviated as a NICU) specializes in the care of ill or premature newborns. No mother wants their child to end up here, both because of the health risks it signals, but also because it can make forming a bond with the baby more difficult if there are periods of time when you are unable to hold your baby.
Despite that, there are still ways you can go about building that relationship even in the NICU. Here is some information that may help if you find yourself in a situation with a newborn in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Prepare yourself for the fact that having your child in the NICU will be emotional and difficult. You’ll have good days and bad days, and may feel emotions that range from fear and anger to guilt, loss, and a lack of control over the situation.
You may also feel disappointed or feel that things are not going according to plan. Know that all these emotions are completely normal during this process, and that can help you accept these feelings and come to terms with them. If you need emotional support during these times, don’t be afraid to ask for it from family, friends, or medical and mental health professionals.
Babies generally won’t understand the words you’re saying, but they can begin recognizing familiar sounds and voices early in life. Over time, they will recognize your voice—in fact, this is how babies develop language skills. Spend some time talking or reading to your baby; there’s evidence that pre-term babies who hear adults speaking during their NICU stay have better-developed language skills by age three than those who did not hear adults speaking or who heard only limited speaking.
In cases where you aren’t allowed to hold the baby, there are other ways you can get involved in their care. Some examples include:
No parent wants a baby to be in the NICU, but understanding what to expect and knowing what steps you can take to bond with your baby can make a big difference if your newborn does end up here. Talk to your NICU doctor and/or your OB/GYN if you still have questions.
Obstetricians/gynecologists at Revere Health OB/GYN provide a full range of healthcare services to women throughout all stages of their lives including; puberty, child-bearing years, menopause.
The Live Better Team
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should always consult your doctor before making decisions about your health.