Leaders of value-based care in Utah

General Cardiology

Revere Health Cardiology in Utah is among the top cardiology providers in Utah and the nation. Our physicians have expertise in all areas of cardiovascular care and are board certified in general cardiology and interventional cardiology. We treat all cardiac, peripheral arterial, and venous diseases. We can perform a wide array of services including ablation, pacemaker programming, cardiac MRIs, laser lead extraction, and more. Our cardiologists in Utah believe in transparent communication and patient empowerment. Schedule an appointment with one of the best cardiologists in Utah.

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Serving the wasatch front

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Aaron Weaver, MD profile picture

Aaron Weaver, MD

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  • Echocardiology,
  • General Cardiology,
  • Interventional Cardiology,
  • Nuclear Cardiology
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  • American Fork Cardiology,
  • American Fork Echocardiology,
  • American Fork Interventional Cardiology,
  • American Fork Nuclear Cardiology,
  • Heber Cardiology,
  • Orem Cardiology,
  • Orem Echocardiology,
  • Orem Interventional Cardiology,
  • Orem Nuclear Cardiology,
  • Provo Cardiology,
  • Provo Echocardiology,
  • Provo Interventional Cardiology,
  • Provo Nuclear Cardiology,
  • Roosevelt Cardiology,
  • Roosevelt Echocardiology,
  • Roosevelt Interventional Cardiology,
  • Roosevelt Nuclear Cardiology
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We have over 30+ providers with decades of experience in cardiovascular care. Our cardiology doctors in Utah believe in the importance of patient-centered care and take the time to communicate clearly and educate patients on their condition. As a part of Utah’s largest independent physician group, we have a network of physicians who are able to care for all cardiology needs


It is our mission to provide comprehensive, high-quality and cost-effective cardiovascular treatment. We see patients with a variety of heart conditions including heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, heart murmurs, heart disease and congestive heart failure. Our cardiologists in Utah are also trained surgeons and can perform surgery at all the major hospitals in Utah.

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