Joint Reconstruction, Trauma

Jordan P. Barker, MD

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Jordan P. Barker, MD

Here's what Dr. Barker's patients think


6 Reviews

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He took the time to get things right and help me

He did such a great job fixing my extensive injury. He took the time to get things right and help me towards the best possible outcome. I greatly appreciate Dr. Barker.

Thomas M.

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“He’s a really good surgeon”

I was in a car accident and went into surgery that same day for a pelvis fracture. Dr. Barker was able to describe to me and my husband the risks and process of the procedure. Following my surgery, he showed my X-rays to my husband and gave a detailed description on what was done. My father is a doctor in another state and showed many of his orthopedic surgeon coworkers the X-rays and all said “He’s a really good surgeon”

Kylee P.

star reviews

Highly recommend Dr. Barker.

Dr Barker replaced my hip. I had the other hip replaced 4 years ago. His skills and ability far surpassed my previous surgeon. Everything is much better this time around. I only wish he could have done my first surgery. Highly recommend Dr. Barker.

Terry W.

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